Private Buyers: Who Would You Most Trust to Sell You a Car?

Private Buyers: Who Would You Most Trust to Sell You a Car?


When buying a second-hand car, it is important you trust the seller, and if a deal appears too good to be true, it probably is!

Trustworthy Sellers

A recent survey discovered unsurprisingly that most people would be happy to purchase a car from a vicar, followed by a mechanic. Doctors and medical staff also made the trustworthy list along with teachers, and bottom of the list were builders.

It appears uniforms give a good impression and make people appear more trustworthy, with police officers and fire fighters both scoring highly, although beauticians and supermarket checkout staff came in bottom for those in a uniform. The superior way to sell your car faster, and to a seller that is actually interest, is by posting as much detail and as many clean pictures as feasible. This will make you appear like you’re lawfully selling a car.

History Check

Experts in the second-hand car market recommend ‘not judging a book by its cover’ and suggest buyers do a thorough check before parting with their cash. A car that has been stolen, involved in an accident, had bodged repairs done or has outstanding finance owing can still look shiny and new.

The motor industry is still reeling from the news that Honda plan to close their UK plant, affecting 3,500 jobs.

Buyers should always get a quote for motor trade insurance before confirming the sale so they can calculate the exact running costs effectively. Buyers can also use this time to decide whether or not it really is the right car for them. Most genuine sellers will be happy to give potential buyers some thinking time, and if they are pressuring buyers to make a decision, this should ring alarm bells. When you come across with a seller, they’ll preferably ask for cash. It’s genuine to offer and get payments in cash. After paying, if you have to leave the car in sequence to acquire new plates and the registration in your name, ensure that you acquire the keys. If you need to accept a certified check when selling your car, inquire the seller to encounter you at their bank and have the bank issue the certified check ahead of you. Maximum banks will be contented to offer you a place where you can also sign over the car’s paperwork, as well.

Websites offering vehicle history checks are worth investing time in, as this will confirm if the mileage is correct and that the car hasn’t been tampered with. It will also reveal any hidden history to the vehicle. Buyers should always shop around for the best motor trade insurance from companies that offer competitive insurance options and choice. But why do I need motor trade insurance? It’s a legal requirement.

Buyers need to beware of scams, including sellers who only want to deal in cash and anyone behaving as if they are very important. Of course, not everyone is out to trick car buyers, and for many buying a second-hand car is a great way to get the car they want, but buyers need to be on their guard and not make any impulse purchases

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